Ali Otuzoglu '27


Gouache on watercolor paper

This painting explores the theme of “re-presenting ourselves” through vibrant layers and intricate brushwork. The composition features overlapping, semi-transparent silhouettes that suggest multiple facets of a single identity. Each layer is painted in different hues and opacities, symbolizing the complexity and fluidity of self-perception. The central anatomical figure, painted in bold, opaque strokes blends into the background, reflecting how personal identity both shapes and is shaped by external perceptions.


Oil pastel on paper 

The use of oil pastels, with their rich, blendable texture, underscores the layered, complex nature of identity, allowing colors to overlap while also standing alone. The artwork reflects the ongoing process of self-discovery and adaptation, suggesting that our identities are built from both individual experiences and the collective impressions we give to the world. Through this vibrant interplay, the work invites the viewer to reflect on the many ways we express, refine, and re-imagine ourselves.

Ali Otuzoglu is a ceramic sculptor and multimedia artist from Istanbul, Turkey. Otuzoglu combines traditional Turkish imagery with depictions of distorted bodies.

Featured image:

"Untitled" (left), gouache on watercolor paper; "Untitled" (right), oil pastel on paper; Ali Otuzoglu '27