The Deadly Costs of Diabetes: Inspiring Advocacy and Legislative Change

5.12.22 | 12pm–1:30pm

How can people come together to inspire change across medical and legislative fields?

May 12, 2022 | 12pm–1:30pm |


Registration for this Session is closed.

You can login to watch the Session with this Zoom link on May 12 at 12pm.

Please join the YSC Session, “The Deadly Costs of Diabetes: Inspiring Medical and Legislative Change” on May 12, 2022. Since 2017, at least 13 young people with diabetes have died after rationing insulin because they experienced barriers in obtaining and affording this life-sustaining medication.  Their stories can be found here:

This virtual conversation will center on the root cause of barriers to affordable diabetes treatment and how people can come together to inspire change across medical and legislative fields. At the table will be practicing physicians, state representatives, students, faculty, and activists who share an interest in widening the conversation and fostering solutions for various aspects of diabetes care.


Laura M. Nally, MD

Dr. Nally is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and works as a pediatric endocrinologist at Yale.  She has lived with type 1 diabetes for 32 years.  She is an advocate for those with diabetes through the Connecticut #insulin4all chapter of T1international.

Holly Cheeseman

Connecticut House of Representatives, serving East Lyme and Salem.

Kasia Lipska, MD, MHS

Dr. Lipska is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and endocrinologist at Yale.  She conducts diabetes outcomes research to help provide better information for patients.

Kristen Whitney Daniels

Ms. Daniels is the chapter leader of T1internatioanl’s Connecticut #insulin4all chapter, a group of volunteer advocates raising awareness about the insulin price crisis.

Amanda Knef

Ms. Knef is the Program Director and Coordinator of the Connecticut Medical Home Initiative.  She works with undocumented children and families to help them get the medications they need through FAVOR, a state-wide family-led nonprofit organization.

Baylee Bakkila

Ms. Bakkila is a Yale medical student who conducts prescription drug pricing research, with a particular interest in insulin.

This Session will take place over Zoom. There will be 12 on-screen Sessionists.

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YSC Sessions invite you into conversation with thought leaders in creative fields — bringing people into dialogue and inspiring fresh ideas over a meal.

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Sessions are safe spaces to gather and exchange diverse perspectives over shared interests. We ask everyone to respect the confidentiality of the conversation and fellow Sessionists. For press requests related to YSC Sessions, please contact Director of Marketing & Communications Maurice Harris at